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How important are the slots to the online casinos

By admin on 2012-06-14 09:11:09

In these stringent economic times in Ireland many commercial sectors are struggling, but all the recently reported financial results from the major online casino operators tend to indicate that the gaming industry is still relatively healthy. Even the betting shops appear to be recovering from the initial downturn which resulted from the rise in online sports gambling. At we believe that this has come about because the major gaming operators with betting shop estates have introduced more slot machines and effectively created small casinos on the high street. The experience that these companies have acquired from their online casinos has shown that the most popular casino games are the slots, which together with some of the other casino games which rely purely on luck now dominate the online casino market. More importantly these casino games of chance appeal to a new customer base with little or no experience of casino games such as poker and blackjack which do require an element of skill. As money becomes tighter, we all tend to spend more of our leisure time at home and it is now clear that playing casino games online is a growing leisure activity from which the online casinos are benefitting. The considered opinion of most experts, and indeed, is that the slots are popular for two reasons. First and foremost these casino games can usually be played for very low stakes so that even if we eventually lose, we have had a great deal of fun for very little cost. Secondly, the online casino slots are quick and easy to play so that even if time is limited we can usually play a few games and have a bit of fun. The online casino operators also tell us that even the online casino customers who prefer the casino games of skill are often tempted to play the slots occasionally, just because they require very little effort or thought. Like them or not, the slots are clearly very important to the online casino industry.