There are a number of very good reasons why many people will always use a credit card for online transactions, not least the opportunity to claim your money back if you are not satisfied with your purchase. Such reasoning does not of course apply when you are playing casino games at an online casino, but it is very easy to just get out the credit card because that is what you always do when you are online. However, funding casino games at an online casino is not the same as making a purchase, and using a credit card as an online casino deposit option may not be the best decision, even though almost every online casino will accept both Visa and Mastercard without question. A lot of people unfortunately do not realise that many of the banks which issue Visa cards will charge up to 2% on any transaction involving gambling, for reasons best known to themselves, plus such transactions are also considered to be cash withdrawals and will therefore attract interest from day one. There is also the possibility that the Visa casino operator may also charge you for using a credit card to fund your account, on top of the charge levied by the banks, so it is advisable to check the terms associated with the use of a Visa credit card at your chosen online casino before making your deposit. Credit cards are often the best way to make payments on the internet, but can be expensive when used to fund an online casino account. There is of course also the question as to whether it is ever a good idea to gamble with what is effectively borrowed money. Whatever you decide make sure you know what the charges will be.