Credit cards are an extremely useful method of purchasing goods and services particularly when shopping online, but we should never ignore the downsides of these cards. Most online casinos obviously accept credit cards as a method of funding an online casino account, although some do charge, but it should never be the preferred option for the online gambler for several reasons which we have undoubtedly detailed before in these pages. The most obvious reason for not using a credit card to fund playing casino games is that you are effectively gambling with borrowed money, which as every responsible gambler will tell you is not a good idea. Secondly, funding an online casino account is a cash transaction as far as the credit card company is concerned, and therefore attracts interest from day one, so even the most diligent credit card user who repays in full each month will incur a loss before any bets have been placed. Furthermore, many credit card issuers automatically impose a 2% charge on any gambling activities, which although difficult to justify will further increase the potential loss before a bet is placed. Online casino gamblers who want to fund their leisure gambling with a bank card should always use a debit card as the least expensive option, but there are many better ways of funding an online casino account most of which we detail on our deposit options page. If you are not able to take advantage of the cash option provided by both Ladbrokes and Paddy Power through their High Street shops, the next most secure and importantly for many, private deposit option is the e-wallet. Both Pay Pal and Neteller provide an e-wallet facility which is accepted by all the major online casino operators. Check our deposit options page for details.